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Dawn Cocker


Dawn Cocker

Dawn has worked in this area for 12 years, specializing in sports massage and injury treatment and prevention as well as massage in pregnancy. Dawn works as a both as a clinician, a tutor and assessor for sports massage, training physiotherapists, osteopaths and sports rehabilitators.

Dawn understands the importance of working as a multi-disciplinary team member as works very closely with the physiotherapists at the clinic.

Massage Therapist

Dawn’s client base is wide in their requirements; Dawn treats very serious athletes both pre and post event as well as people wanting to maintain their well being in general.

A growing client group are those that develop postural muscle pain secondary to working at a desk and driving; managing symptoms improves productivity, reduces absenteeism and helps in maintaining a general sense of wellbeing.

Pregnancy Massage

Dawn is qualified to massage pregnant women and at the Village Physio we have a pregnancy pillow that allows you to lie on your front (phew), allowing a comprehensive treatment.

Hot Stone Massage

Dawn does use hot stones in some of her treatments – don’t think this is a relaxing beauty treatment. The hot stones are used to get deeper into sore spots without excessive pain and it is VERY effective – mention you want to have this when booking, it doesn’t alter the price.

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy

  • Pain relief
  • Stress relief
  • Increased joint flexibility
  • Decreased muscle spasms and tension
  • Better sleep

To make an appointment with Dawn, just ring 0161 448 7844 or use the contact form below.

Didsbury Physiotherapy

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